Sex shops are some of my favourite places. I mean, that might be completely obvious, given the nature of my writing, but there’s more to it than that. Sex shops are a true reflection on where and how sex fits into our current culture.
These days, we’re lucky. Sex shops have established themselves as an integral part of our sex lives. People are seeking out where to buy their sexytime toys and supplies and have come to trust the knowledge of staff and quality of products that great sex stores carry. Sure, you could buy online for the convenience, but that experience cannot replace the outstanding community service that sex shop staff provide.
Instead of buying online, it is far better, and easier, to use the web to find lists of good sex shops in your city. You can use these lists to do some research on the products you’re interested in purchasing, compare costs and learn more about what your local sex stores have to offer. The best sex shops aren’t just retail outlets, they are also community hubs. Many offer sex education opportunites by offering classes and workshops that will help you improve your sex life. You will often find welcoming, warm environments that are nothing like the stereotypical creepy places portrayed in movies and on TV. You’ll also be able to touch and get a feel for the products you’re buying before committing to them.
Another great reason to look for a list of a city’s sex shops is when you’re visiting new places, particularly when you’re on vacation. Being away from home, in a new and exciting place, can add new dimensions of sexy fun. Vacations are meant to be both relaxing and invigorating and can often be a time of sexual exploration. It can be a little tricky travelling with sex toys, particularly vibrators that might accidentally turn on while you’re going through customs! So it just makes sense, if you’re going to be away from home for an extended amount of time, to plan ahead, search out where the best sex shops are, and plan a visit for sexy accessories to use while you are away.
Unfortunately, openly talking about sex is still a challenge for some folks—we’re still getting over the conditioning toward keeping sex ultra-private. These thoughts make people nervous and embarrassed about finding and visiting sex shops. Really, though, there’s nothing to fear. Sex is a naturaly and wonderful part of life for many of us, and pursuing pleasure is one of our greatest gifts. Visiting a sex shop for the first time might make your heart beat strong, but I guarantee it will be beating even harder after you bring home your purchases.
Happy shopping!
This post has been sponsored by Maxiwand.