TMI Tuesday: September 23, 2014: Marriage

TMI Tuesday: September 23, 2014
Happy Monday!  On this week’s TMI Tuesday we discuss marriage. The majority of the questions were submitted by Virtual Sin but I added one of my own. Guess which one? 😉  -H
tmi dog-wedding

1. Do you believe in marriage?
I really have no opinion on it. Do it if you want to, don’t feel you need to. I am not interested in it personally anymore.

2. Have you ever proposed marriage or been proposed to marry? What happened?
I have. Two weeks before our marriage she left me for the guy we’d been having threesomes with.

3. What would be your dream way of proposing marriage?
I think it did it pretty damn well. We had a Hallowe’en party. I was dressed as Julius Caesar, complete with the correct number of stab wounds. She was possibly dressed as a witch. I had waited over a year with the ring (hidden at a friend’s house). Who knew I was dressed so appropriately for what eventually happened.

4. What would be your nightmarish way of proposing marriage?
Any type of proposal would be nightmarish at this point.

5. Mainstream society has engagement rings; in your opinion, what token should be given to signify engagement?
Facebook passwords

6. Would you like to participate in an “open” marriage vs. a traditional monogamous marriage? Have you ever given it serious thought? Why or Why not?
My relationship is monogamous, but I have also tried open in the past. A lot of good communication, compersion, compassion and thought needs to go into an open relationship.

Bonus: Tell us about someone you would have proposed to but never had the chance/opportunity.
Since the only time I proposed was more out of a “this is what you’re supposed to do” sense, I really haven’t thought about proposing to anyone else, ever.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!


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