Call For Submissions
Strange Flesh Press
We’re an exclusively lesbian (femslash, F/F) micropress dedicated to providing compelling stories about women who hunger for other women.
We have a vision. We feel erotic fiction is the toughest genre to write well and the last to be acknowledged as legitimate. As a subgenre, lesbian erotic fiction is even more marginalized. We’re changing that by publishing erotic stories you remember long after you…finish.
We’re looking for ebooks, stories, and nonfiction web content. All fiction should contain explicit sex. We’re open to a range from easy porn fantasies to transgressive erotica. Whatever you write, just convince us, excite us. Make us feel. We offer single payment for shorts and web content and a generous contract for accepted royalty-based ebooks.
We’re not just another digital press. We’re special. Why? Because:
we’re looking for a different kind of story
we’re looking for a specific length of story
we’re a micropress, so we’re exceedingly picky
we value authors, so we’re exceedingly generous
we pay royalties + payment for ebooks, buy stories, and pay for blog content
we believe in transparency and clarity, so contacting us with questions is appreciated
We’re open for submissions beginning September 1, 2014.
Please see our guidelines at: