The Hook-up: Molly’s Daily Kiss

Introducing Molly’s Daily Kiss
It seems odd that I would be introducing you to Molly. Her blog is so influential, such a positive experience for so many of us that it is an honour to have her here—so that we can get to know her a little better.
How did you get into sex blogging?
Ha! I wish I knew. There really was no grand plan, I started it as a form of self discipline, to encourage me to write on a more regular basis. I even, in a moment of madness, called it Molly’s DAILY Kiss with the insane idea that it would make me write something every day. I had always wanted to be a writer but never seemed to do more than pen the odd short story here and there. I knew if I wanted to really pursue that dream then the key was to write more; a blog felt like a good motivator to do that. Also, the short stories that I had written, I felt very disassociated from them, like they were out there but no longer connected to me. Again, a blog felt like a solution to that.

As I said I didn’t have any great ‘grand plan’ for the space. I knew it would be of an adult nature but that was about it and so I just started writing, sharing my thoughts and experiences. However it soon took on a life of its own as I met my now husband on the internet and we embarked on a long distance relationship. Much of my writing at the time detailed our story, of love, romance and long distance challenges all wrapped up with a heavy dose of kink.

Gradually the readers started increasing in number and suddenly my slightly anonymous blog was gathering more and more interest.

I should also mention the photography aspect of my blog as it is a key part of what I do. Originally there were no photos of me. I didn’t have the nerve or, I believed at the time, the photographic skills but then I discovered a blog called Dick Dyke Dick, which you can still go and see although she sadly no longer updates it. I become an avid reader and ‘fan girl’ of DDD’s and it was her photography (which I fell in love with) that finally gave me the courage to post a selfie of my own. I think in that moment a true creative passion of mine was born. Since that day I have been inspired by many others but really it is DDD who is to blame for that initial introduction which ultimately led me to being self portrait artist I am today.

Sinful Sundays is so popular. Did you ever imagine it would be so loved?
I don’t think I could ever has envisaged just how popular Sinful Sunday would become. I guess my love of photography and in particular the nude/erotic self portrait explains why I started the meme but what I really wanted to achieve was not just to encourage people to have fun their cameras but to create a community in which people felt supported, inspired, encouraged and accepted regardless of their gender, age, weight etc. The internet and main stream media are awash with images of ‘the perfect body’ with Sinful Sunday I wanted to encourage an alternative to that limited view. I think it is that part of Sinful Sunday and the strong friendly community that I am most proud of.

What draws you to memes in particular?
This is an interesting question. I guess I am drawn to them. Maybe it is the sub in me and that I like the discipline and routine they offer. However, like with Sinful Sunday, I also think it is the community that I really like. One of the most amazing things that has happened in my life as a result from blogging/writing has been the amazing friends I have made all over the globe and as a result of a number of events but mainly Eroticon in the UK and USA I have been lucky enough to meet many of these people face to face, cementing very special on-line relationships into real time ones.

People fascinate me, how they think, behave, experience things and despite actually being a bit of a closet introvert at times I love those connections. Meme’s not only provide me with writing ideas and routine but also a community of people who interest, stimulate and inspire me.

Will you be continuing your 365 project in 2013?
Yes I will. It has been one of the most powerful tools in developing my photography. Giving it up, or deciding it was somehow complete, would be like saying I have done all I can do with a camera when in fact I am really only just at the beginning of that journey.

How did you get involved with [e]lust?
I discovered e[lust] fairly early on in my blogging career and became a regular contributor as well as a consumer of the monthly digest. Before I joined Twitter it was one of the main ways I found new bloggers and reading material. When Dangerous Lilly (the original owner and creator of e[lust]) announced that she was going to be closing it down but was open to possibly selling the site, my husband and I decided that we would make her and offer and see what happened. Luckily she accepted and the future of e[lust] is currently in safe hands. Yet again, it is another community resource for those who write/blog about sex/adult content. Sadly unlike the rest of the blogging community adult/sex bloggers are hugely under recognised. You will rarely see them listed on any of the main stream blogging award lists as *insert shocked face…. they write about S.E.X you know!

Resources like e[lust], in my opinion, help to offset some of the prejudice and go a long way to highlight the talent within the sex blogging community. In addition to this we have added a subsection to the site called Sexbytes, which we like to think of as Digg for the sex blogging community.

Do you have a single piece of advice for aspiring sex writers?
Write, write, write, write….. then go out, meet people, experience life, read, think, talk, learn and then write, write, write…

If you want to be a sex blogger, all the above still applies but add into that, join in with the sex blogging community, get to know people, learn, listen, and contribute.

Who are you most enjoying in the sex blogging community?
I think my recent 20 of 2013 post, which details my top reads of the last year, really answer this question.

Your Anonymous section is so compelling. Have any writings or photos come through that you just couldn’t publish?
I am so glad you mentioned this little project. The posts appear in fits and starts, there will be nothing for weeks and then a little flurry of activity. The submission form on the site means that the authors truly are anonymous, even to me. Apart from the odd bit of spam all the written pieces that have been submitted have been posted but there have been a couple of photographs that, for various reasons, I have chosen to not publish but apart from that everything that gets sent in gets published on the site exactly as I receive it. It is not my job to act as editor or censor for anonymous. I think that would be detrimental to the idea behind it which was to provide a space for people who wanted to be heard but, for whatever reason, wanted to do so completely anonymously.

What can we look forward to from you in the coming year?
As I said right at the beginning of this interview I don’t really have a ‘grand plan’ I tend to be far more in the moment and reactionary than that. However there will be another Eroticon this year, that I am delighted to be speaking at again. I have a number of published pieces that will finally see themselves in print in 2014 and I am writing a regular Q & A column for which I am very excited about. Apart from that, well, I do have a photography project that has yet to get going but I am hoping that 2014 might finally see it kicking off which will combine my love of erotic photography with my desire to show true honest representations of the human body it all is varied glory. The project even has a name (no, I am not going to tell you) I just need a few more hours in my day to fit all of this into my rather hectic life.

You can also find Molly on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr
