More questions submitted by TMI Tuesday players, on June 16, as a response to that week’s bonus question. Thank you again! This week is all about Taboo, tickles, and fantasy.
From :
1. What strange areas of your body are ticklish?
2. What is something you are interested in sexually, but only on a purely fantasy level? Something that you think about but could never fully act on.
I have acted on my fantasies. I would like to try some different acts in things like bloodplay, watersports and rough sex, but I have already opened those windows…
From :
3. If you could have a week of the best sex ever in human history but you had to have a fish head as your head for the rest of your life, after that week, would you do it?
No. I like my head. I have pretty damn good sex already. Although, you can take a fish head out to see a movie…
From :
4. What do you consider taboo and have you ever ventured into this territory? Was it a great, good, bad or horrific experience?
The most significant taboo sex I’ve had was bloodplay. Blood is a scary, scary thing for many people—even if they like the pain involved. There are, also, the health risks involved.
But it was good. Very, very good.
From :
5. What part of your body do you consider the most unusual that you enjoy being stimulated?
I don’t consider it unusual at all, but a lot of people are surprised about the joy to be found in armpits. Trust me folks…you want to drive someone crazy, get intimate with their pits.
From :
If you could make a porn film/video with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Well, this is different than the “just have sex” version of this question. I’m not sure what would change about that just because a camera is rolling…but I have to give a list:
Ewan McGregor
Shirley Manson
Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler together
Miley Cyrus
Joe Mangiello
oh hell, there are plenty more. Can’t we all just be in one big scene?
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!