The Hook-up: Geeky Nymph

Introducing Geeky Nymph
Twitter hits the sweet spot again. I became acquainted with Geeky Nymph through mutual favouriting and retweeting. And then I started reading her blog…and haven’t stopped.

How did you get into blogging?
Blogging comes naturally to me because I am always mulling things over and I enjoy writing down my thoughts through stories, poems, and so on. I have done this ever since I was a child. About three years ago, I decided to get into sex blogging specifically for three reasons: 1) I knew that I was passionate about sexuality; 2) I knew that I had a high sex drive and comparable amounts of curiosity; and 3) I knew that there was a lot about sex I did not know yet. I not only found the unknown compelling, but I knew it had to be important. Often I find that when I realize topics are avoided and skirted for unknown or unsatisfactory reasons, I feel compelled to dig.

Where do you find your inspiration for your posts?
This is a tricky question to answer. My inspirations are not always from real life experiences, nor are they all entirely fictional. It seems my posts come often from an internal reflection or reanimation of events, issues, and encounters that happen in the world. I try to be reflective and honest in sex toy reviews, and on the other hand I try to be thoughtful and imaginative in erotica pieces. In a way, my sex blog is a depiction of the world’s sexuality through my own eyes.

You note your participation in some sex-themed memes on your site. What do you think it is about memes that make people want to participate?
Memes allow for a sense of community within the sexual world. Whether memes are based on kinks and stories, or toys and images, having the ability to interact with others doing similar (or just simply sexual) stuff is appreciated and valued. These are not always hobbies you can find locals with whom to share. I think it is important for folks within the sex-blogging community to support each other, because it is easy to make things into a competition, and there is more than enough space for all of us to do what we do.

Have you ever thought about starting your own?
You know, I have not really thought about starting a meme. I think that this is because I cannot think of a theme that might meet a demand within the sex blogging community. I would love to start a meme if I were to stumble upon an area not yet explored.

How do you pick which sex toys you want to review? 
This has varied over the past, and it is always changing as companies alter their review programs. In general I try to pick what I think I will like or what I think will be valuable to test, from a given selection available to me. In this way I can slowly build my foundation of sex toy knowledge and preferences to be able to test products better down the road.

Not many sex bloggers use photos of themselves on their blogs. Was it a difficult decision for you to do so?
Initially it was pretty difficult, yes. My private parts are private! I have found that sharing pictures in general has helped me explore my sexuality and be comfortable in my skin. I am happy that I share some photos of myself, and my limit is that I do not show my face. I also find that I am rather selective in what I show, and this often reflects my insecurities about societal expectations of what beautiful bodies are supposed to look like. I am hoping to change this slowly over time, as I become more comfortable doing so.

Another concern of using photos on a sex blog is that readers can objectify my images, while finding them to be erotic. I generally appreciate this aspect and support it within reason, but I had to learn where my philosophies stand in relation to feminism and objectification. I think they can coexist peacefully when I consent to sharing my photos on my blog, but I needed to learn more about feminism and gender studies in order to put my beliefs into words.

What are some topics you’d like to pursue, but haven’t yet?
Expanding from my last remark, I hope to explore more gender studies and feminism as it pertains to sexuality. This will not surface until I feel more comfortable using some existing jargon in these fields. Another area I hope to blog more about is taboo topics within the area of sexuality. These unmentionables might include more extreme fetishes people develop, for example. Another route I might pursue is sexuality education and health, because I find these fascinating, but I do not want to simply write about health facts and news reports.

What can we look forward to seeing on Geeky Nymph in the future?
My blog is always changing with my interests and pursuits, but I plan to blog more erotica stories, book reviews, and reflections on social issues. Thanks for reading! xoxo
