In many areas around the world, vacation season is approaching. This week’s TMI Tuesday asks you to tell us about your vacation style. Thank you to Virtual Sin for the questions.
1) What mode of transportation do you prefer for vacation: a) car, b) bus, c) train, d) cruise ship, e) airplane, f) other?
2) What baggage strategy do you use when flying: a) carry-on only, b) gate check excess bags, c) check baggage, d) ship bags ahead, e) other?
3) What is your accommodation strategy: a) luxury hotel, b) bed and breakfast c) cheap hotel/motel, d) stay with family/friends, e) camping or RV, e) other?
different ones, usually cheap, sometimes camping, airbnb…
4) What world-famous places have you visited on vacation? These can be commercial tourist attractions (Disney World), museums (The Louvre), historic places (Gettysburg), natural wonders (Yellowstone, Yosemite), or anything else?
I think I went to Disney when I was a kid…I’ve seen Loch Ness…Niagara Falls doesn’t really count, since I grew up near there…does Bourbon Street count?
5) Where do you really, really want to go someday?
Seriously, anywhere.
6) What you would you like to go back to see again?
More of New Orleans
Bonus: Have you ever had sex with someone you just met while on vacation? Tell us about it.
Bonus, Bonus: While vacationing, have you ever had sex in a moving car, bus, train, or airplane?
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!