Feminist Porn Conference, Day 2!

Day 2 of the Feminist Porn Conference was very good again, but I made a hasty exit before Courtney Trouble’s closing. I hear it was fantastic, but I had the opportunity to catch one of my monkey’s races at a swim meet and Daddy duty won out.

I caught the following workshops, deciding to stick with porn business-related topics:

Creating Fetish Content for Fun & Profit
Morgan Thorne

If You Build It, They Will .com:
Web Development & Troubleshooting
Chris Lowrance, Jiz Lee

Turned On: New Technologies, Sexual Interface, Feminist Erotic Media
N. Maxwell Lander, JP Robichaud, Merritt Kopas, Naomi de Szegheo-Lang

The first two were fantastic. I might not be planning to create porn, but Morgan Thorne‘s workshop was excellent. Local folks, or those who plan to visit: Morgan is a great resource here in Toronto. If you have a chance to take one of her workshops, get on it! She presented really good stuff for anyone aspiring to get into making porn—a lot of info I could have used back in the day when I was producing. The document she provided will help attendees really pull their work to the next level.

The development workshop was also extremely helpful. Jiz and Chris were a great team, fielding questions and providing a fantastic document of their talk. All info I need and will use in the coming weeks. 

The third workshop didn’t do much for me. It seemed disorganized and the speakers seemed a bit ill-prepared. Definitely the least informative time I spent at the Con.
At lunch I was lucky to meet and chat with two fascinating folks: Mistress Isobel and Dr. Timaree Schmit. Timaree even interviewed us for her podcast!
Overall, I have to say I am so pleased that the Feminist Porn Con is such a success. There were so many people from out of town, people engaged in new topics and a level of dialogue without compare. It is so well-organized, features so many high-level speakers and topics and pretty much blew my mind in both the sessions and between the sessions.

I am very much looking forward to next year and continuing the conversations throughout the year.
