TMI Tuesday: March 18, 2014 Buy Me I’m Cheap
Thank you to Virtual Sinner for today’s TMI Tuesday questions.
1. Name a category for which you are very fussy and only one product will do. Name the product.
I’ve been a Mac guy for a long time…though my little Android tablet has impressed me greatly.
2. Name a category for which you are fussy about quality and buy top-of-the-line brands.
I stick to pretty decent lubes. Sliquid and Liquid Silk.
3. Name a category for which you are most interested in price, and will buy whatever brand is cheapest.
That is pretty much any and everything. Price is my primary concern in everything. Dollarama is my favourite place and I try to buy used items as much as possible. Part statement, part lack of funds.
4. Name a category for which you are unable to find a satisfactory product.
I am rarely picky.
5. Name a product that has disappeared from the market for which you have been unable to find a satisfactory substitute.
Oh man, there were these antihistamines that I was introduced to in university…they were amazing! I think they were only sold under an generic name. I was warned they were somewhat hallucinogenic, but I never got that side effect. But for a student, they were cheap, there were a whole bunch in a package and they were the best meds I’ve ever had.
6. Name a product that you buy that your mother or father used to buy.
There’s this type of packaged rice, I think it is called Dainty Rice? I used to love that stuff. I rarely buy it now, but when I do, it has a nice nostalgia to it.
7. Name a product that you won’t buy because your mother or father used to buy it.
I got nothing here.
8. Name a product that is over-rated.
I like the We-Vibe and all…but…it isn’t mind-blowing (not from my perspective at least).
9. Name a product that is under-rated.
Less so underrated, more that is it lesser known. The NJoy Pur. One of the best sex toys ever.
Bonus: If there was one product that you would re-invent or improve, what is it?
I got nothing. I really rarely care about products. They work, great. They don’t, I move on.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!