TMI Tuesday: March 11, 2014: Emotions

TMI Tuesday: March 11, 2014

This week’s TMI Tuesday deals with emotions.
“The emotions aren’t always immediately subject to reason,
but they are always immediately subject to action”

Quote from philosopher-pyschologist William James
1. Laughter: What makes you laugh?
Lots and lots of things. Sometimes smart, sometimes crude. I laugh a lot. 
2. Anger: This past week, who or what really pissed you off? What happened?
Fortunately, not much in terms of anger lately. Some annoyance at day job situations and unpleasant feelings about my slowly dying car.
3. Fear: What phobia did you have but overcame?
Bridges and I am still working on my fear of birds. I like looking at them, learning about them, and there are some I’ll even touch and hold. Others still scare the crap out of me.
4. Surprise: Recently, what unexpected act or behavior did you experience in your sex life?
Sadly, being too tired to even think about sex.
5. Trust: Many on-going relationships have a certain predictability about them. Does that certainty translate into trust?
I don’t think it is certainty that translates into trust…I think trust is an entirely unique emotion unto itself.
6. Excitement: Who do you excite?
My partner and my dog. The Monkeys on occasion as well. 

Bonus: What intimate activity do you share with your partner, something that is meaningful to your relationship? For example Sunday breakfast in bed, cooking, maintenance spanking, etc.
We watch very little tv, but I really like when we find a show we both like and watch it together. Other things include massages, morning smoothies…
