I caught up with author A. Aimee to discuss these themes in her novel Good Pussy Bad Pussy.
What was the inspiration for Good Pussy Bad Pussy?
I wanted to write about orgasm as a portal to ecstasy and the death of the ego. I wanted to write about how great sex is a portal into the flow state where we experience timeless awareness and the ecstatic feeling of being fully present in this now moment. I wanted to write about orgasm as the ultimate surrender which leads to the amazing blissfulness which each of us experience when we are finally, finally able to let go completely. And then I wanted to add to this an exploration of the conundrum that arises if we have reached this blissful state of complete surrender in and through situations (and/or with people) that we don’t particularly like or find acceptable. In other words, what happens when the body experiences one thing while the mind is screaming something else? What happens then? Where does this leave us and what does it do to us? And how can we live with this both on a personal and social level?
In other words, as far as I can see…we all have this huge, powerful urge and energy in us which is the sex drive. And it is always seeking expression. And then this urge, this energy then gets blocked or pinched off or twisted because of the massive social programming we all receive that is telling us from day one what is OK sexually and what is not. And even though today there are more and more people who are freer sexually than ever before in the history of humanity, the reality is that most people are still so limited in their sexual expression and in their ability to experience sex and orgasm as a portal to the divine.
So I wanted to write about a woman who allowed herself to go beyond what is normally acceptable for married women and who discovered and experienced amazing orgasmic release in ways which both shocked and surprised her. In other words, a story about a woman who discovered that her body could respond in one way even if her mind was screaming something else. Hence the title – Good Pussy Bad Pussy.
I also wanted to write about a woman who wasn’t so hung up as most women are today in terms of being jealous and possessive. I wanted to write about a woman who wasn’t concerned with the ownership of a partner, a woman who was free and open even if she was confused and insecure. I wanted to see where this would take her and what would happen to her…. Especially because it seems to me that so many of the present generation of couples in their 30s (who are children of parents from the 1960s) have reverted back to a much more limited and conventional lifestyle in terms of couple relationships and sexuality than many of their own parents had. All of which has nothing to do with the ecstatic release that we are all seeking…
So… no wonder we’re so fucked up!
So yes, I had great fun trying to explore some if these themes in this book… and so the answer to your next question is yes! Absolutely yes!
Could you be friends with Rachel?
Yes! Because she is just as horny and confused and lovable and fucked up as I am…
Do you think the story would be differently received if the lead character were a man instead?
Oh yes absolutely…. But…in fact…your question is so surprising and difficult to contemplate that I feel utterly blank in terms of the ramifications of your question. I mean it’s just such a good question. Amazing! Just think about what you are asking. And the fact that I just automatically answered ‘oh absolutely yes’ without really thinking about it or knowing what your question even means only shows how profound it is…. So even though I answered absolutely yes… I probably need to think about this one for maybe the next 5 or 10 years…
What has been your favourite reaction to/review of Good Pussy, Bad Pussy so far?
The book is getting such great reviews from many different quarters, but the one I love best so far is this one by Sylvia Storm at E-Read Erotica Reviews (ereaderotica.com) because she really got what I was trying to do. For example she writes:
“Yes, it had me turning pages, and that’s a good thing. The book feels like that ‘Chapter 1′ and a couple others have been removed, and the whole book sings and has a great flow because of it. I like the in-media-res style, and here it is wonderfully done. Even the chapters where she meets the new hunk is gone, and we start with that, “I’ve done something terrible!” moment. It’s brave, wonderfully done, and it hooks me in and grabs my interest right from the start.”
To read her full review, click here.
What can we look forward to next from you?
I’m actually half way through Good Pussy Bad Pussy book 2 because after I finished the first book, the characters just wouldn’t let me go. It was like they had more to explore and do and tell. It was like they were alive in me and so the obvious question kept arising – where would they go from where I left them at the end of book 1. What would happen to them next? What would they do after all they’d been through? And what would all that drama do to their lives and their character? And how would this affect their sexual experiences? And now they are showing me that they are capable of going even deeper and darker and higher and lighter. So yes, it’s an interesting exploration because once you let these characters loose, they really do take on a life of their own. So I’m pretty excited about what’s happening to them and where this is all leading… so stay turned for more!
Learn more about A. Aimee and Good Pussy Bad Pussy via her various portals:
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Excerpt from “Good Pussy Bad Pussy – Rachel’s Tale” by A. Aimee
Good pussy bad pussy. Despite the traumatic events of New York and the deepening realization that all my actions had consequences, I also knew something else had awakened in me, something I’d never experienced before. A force, a power, a drive, an energy. Call it good pussy, call it bad pussy, call it whatever you will, but a life force had been awakened in me and I couldn’t put it (her) back to sleep again. Right or wrong. She was awake! She was alive! She wanted to live. And she wanted more.
She, my pussy, was alive in me. I felt her moving in me, reaching out, right or wrong, proper or not. She wanted to taste and touch, to be tasted and touched. She wanted to feel the life force, the energy, moving in and through her. She wanted like liquid desire itself. She wanted because she was, life itself. She wanted because she was, the energy of life itself. And now that she – the genie – was out of the bottle, there was no putting her back again. She was untameable, wild; she wanted to be free, had to be free. Because she loved life, because yes, she was life itself. She was the life force in all of us… she was the creative power of the universe – and yes she was sex. Sex! Sex! Sexual! She was pure and beautiful and couldn’t be kept down or locked up. And now she was awake in me, awake! A ravishing beauty, a hungry cunt, a wantingness for the essence of life. And what was that essence? It was the ecstasy of knowing my own soul, my own being, which was somehow alive and felt like frolicking in that stream of liquid desire that carries one on and on unto a state of orgasmic bliss, which was somehow like coming home and finding a peace that was beyond all comprehension… home, home, home. That’s what I wanted, that’s what she wanted, that’s where she was taking me, taking me, taking me… and there was nothing, nothing I could do about it. No stopping her. No turning back now.
She was me and I was her.
And we were flying.