Valentine’s Day in a Porn Theatre

Imagine my surprise to discover from this headline that Stephen Keefe was writing about Montreal’s Cinema L’Amour! It is, without a doubt, one of my most favourite, bizarre places in the world.

An ex and I went to the theatre and had a fairly similar experience. The difference is we paid for the upstairs private booth. When we go there, we settled in and noticed there were many guys down in the theatre proper. During the film we fucked and had a good time. When we were done, we looked back and and saw that all of them—every single one—was lined up, back against the wall with the screen, trying to get any glance of what we were doing. Because we were separated from them, we laughed and laughed.

The adventure that Stephen and Dominique went on sounds entirely plausible. But really, if you’re in Montreal and are in the mood for an exceptionally pervy experience, do check out Cinema L’Amour.
