Today’s TMI Tuesday I’m Just Askin’ …
1. We are just a few months into 2014 but I want to know what have you done this year that you have never done before?
2. You are going to a deserted island, your only entertainment will be to read. What five (5) books will you take with you?
Kiss of the Fur Queen – Tomson Highway
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
L’Étranger – Albert Camus
Since moving to the ‘burbs, I miss going out dancing regularly. It just isn’t feasible these days. Another thing I miss is staying up late at night. 5am swim practice pretty much negates that.
4. How would you define and calculate ‘sexual satisfaction’?
If everyone involved has a smile on their faces at the end (whether I’m alone, with another person or more), then that is satisfying.
5. Porn–Has it ever been good for your relationship? Has it ever been bad for your relationship?
I’ve had lots of good experiences with porn in relationships. It can lead to great sex. There haven’t been any explicitly bad instances…well, except ages ago when my then girlfriend worked at a video rental shop, and her brother and I showed up late at night, ridiculously drunk, and I decided I just had to buy some discount porn video tapes from her, then and there. Her brother and I laughed about it a lot…she was less than amused.
Bonus: Is there a secret you’d like to share? What is it?
You know, I honestly can’t think of a secret at this moment.