Hello TMIers. This is our final TMI Tuesday of the year 2013. Thanks for playing along. It has been fun reading your answers, learning more about you, and gaining new insights and knowledge too. I very much appreciate those of you who submitted questions or ideas to help me produce TMI Tuesday. –Hedone
1. Did you make New Year’s Resolutions last year? Which ones did you keep? Are you better for it?
2. What was your favorite TMI Tuesday list of questions from 2013? Why? (Give date and title)
Call me wishy-washy, but I can’t pick. Given my particular interests, the ones that involve the most sex are surely higher up the list.
3. What sexy/sexual things do you hope to experience in 2014–toys, acts, people, events, etc?
4. This time of year is filled with “Top Lists” and “Best of Lists”. Let’s make a list. What were your Top 3 best sexual experiences in 2013? Go into as little or as much detail as you would like.
5. What are your hopes, dreams for 2014?
Bonus: In the coming year, let us all resolve to visit, read, and comment on at least two TMI Tuesday blog posts a week that are posted by our fellow TMI Tuesday bloggers.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link totmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!