TMI Tuesday: October 22, 2013 Potpourri of Questions

TMI Tuesday: October 22, 2013
Potpourri of Questions

1. You’ve been waiting forever for your significant other to propose marriage, when they finally do it is in the form of a bribe: “Lose 10-15 lbs. (approx. 1 stone U.K.; approx. 6 kilos) and I will marry you…the wedding can be anyway, and anywhere of your choosing…just lose some weight.”

Would you accept this proposal?

(Alternatively for the traditionalists): Men if your significant other was a little ‘heavier’ than you’d like him/her to be, would you make such a proposal?

There is absolutely no chance in this or any other world that I would make or accept that proposal. Beyond insulting.

2. Are you participating in any Halloween festivities? Will you wear a costume? If yes, what?

Probably just handing out candy as these next few weeks will be exhausting. And I’ll probably throw a wrestling mask on, because…wait, I need it to be Halloween for that?

3. Forget the fact that you have a blog, in real-life are you:

a. an over-sharer who tells every detail of your personal life to everyone including the barista at Starbucks?

b. a little discriminating in who you decide to talk to about your personal life, feelings, etc.? Your love life isn’t off limits to friends and family but you don’t confide in total strangers.

c. as tight as a clam? You don’t share important details with friends and family and when you do it about kills you because you are extremely private.

b. For the most part. I can be kinda clammy too.

4. MEN your significant other has asked to sleep with your cock in his/her mouth, what are your first thoughts? Would you say yes or no? Why?

LADIES/significant other…your guy just asked you to sleep with his penis in your mouth. Would you do it? Why or why not?

If someone wants to sleep with my cock in their mouth…hey, sure, go for it. Might be a bit uncomfortable given that I sleep on my stomach. Although, I’d likely request the same in return. 

Bonus: If you were remembered for one thing, what would it be?

I can’t decide if I’d rather live on because of good deeds or in some sort of infamy…
