TMI Tuesday: October 15, 2013—Dating Obstacles

TMI Tuesday: October 15, 2013
Dating Obstacles

1. Could you date someone who is really into Legos? Their house consist of Lego furniture, the walls are covered in 3-D Lego art or photos of mammoth Lego creations.

I love Legos, but I have children. I have stepped on so many stray pieces of Lego, and those little fuckers hurt. So, no.
2. You have a big date and discover that you have run out of undies (underwear, panties), would you:
a. re-wear dirty
b. wear a swimsuit or swimsuit bottoms
c. line worn undies with fresh panty-liners
d. go commando
I go commando a fair amount of the time as is, so, d.

3. In order to date the person of your dreams, you must be in a reality show with them. Would you date him/her? Why?

Sure, I’d try it. I’d be completely ridiculous. He/She would love me even more.

4. You have been dating a certain someone for a while, you two click and you really like them but they confided to you that they are a crime-fighting super hero? Do you still date them or let the relationship cool? Why?

I would beg for them to fuck me in their crimefighting uniform. Ooooooh, yes.

5. You are on a date with someone you really want to impress. Your pants/skirt/shirt/bra split early in the date. What do you do?
a. Tie a jacket or sweater around your waist or put the jacket or sweater on to hide the issue
b. Stop at a drugstore and buy safety pins, and in secret try to fix and hide problem
c. ‘Fess up to the problem, let it all hang out and continue with the date
d. Cut the date short and go home

C. I’d point it out, we’d have a laugh…and if things went well, then that would be some good rippin’ fun later on. 

You went away for the weekend with your new romantic love interest. He/she had planned a wonderful weekend of outdoor fun for you both but it has started to rain and storms are in the forecast for the next few days. What do you suggest the two of you do instead?

There is lots of fun to be had in the rain. I mean, not if it is too cold, but rain can be hot! Of course you can just stay in and fuck and fuck and play cards and fuck and fuck and eat. 
