TMI TUESDAY: Vroom Vroom

Do you wanna ride?

Today’s TMI Tuesday is all about your ride–your car, your moto, your bike–your regular mode of transport, and of course sex.

1. What type of vehicle do you use regularly? Truck, car, bike, etc.

Car-Toyota Corolla + bike

2. Do you use public transportation–bus, train, metro/subway, cab? How often?

Subway + commuter train

3. Have you ever had sex in/on public transportation? Tell us about it?

Just with myself

4. I know most of you have had sex in a car or truck but how many times have you had sex in your present vehicle?


5. When was the last time you had sex in car or truck type vehicle? Was it with a known person or a stranger?

Known person within the past few months

6. Have you ever had sex on a bicycle or motorcycle?


7. Stick shift or manual? Why?

Manual because…I don’t really care

8. Ever had sex on the hood of a car? (Hood = The part of a car that covers the engine and that can be raised. The British word is bonnet.)


Bonus: You are walking down the street. A very sexy and nude person (gender of your choice) pulls up next to you in their shiny new Mercedes Benz, they lower the window and say, “Do you want to ride in my Mercedes?” What do you do? Tell us what you want to do on that ride?

In a fantasy world, yes. In reality, nope, I am monogamous.

Bonus, bonus: What is the sexiest thing you have ever done in a vehicle?

Pretty sure I conceived a child in a car. Is that sexy?


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!
