TMI Tuesday: September 10, 2013 Lovers, partners, exes, and …Betty White?

TMI Tuesday: September 10, 2013
The following unique and wacky TMI Tuesday questions were submitted by TMI Tuesday players, on June 16, as a response to that week’s bonus question. Thank you to all who participated.
Lovers, partners, exes, and …Betty White? A strange mix.

1. Tell us something kinky that you refused to do with a partner (ex or present) but secretly wish you had done.

I can’t think of a single thing I’ve turned down. I wonder if those who have declined my ideas regret not trying things I suggested?

2. Pick your top three lovers and explain why you picked them!

I have had some good times. One was very adventurous. One was consistently the best fuck I’ve ever had. One wanted sex all the time. Maybe those three are one in the same, maybe they’re all different people. Not a chance in hell I’d name names.

3. Where on your body would you get your ex’s name inked on your body if you had to?

On my back, that way I’d never have to see it.

4. Would you rather have sex on a Ferris Wheel or the bumper cars?

Now that is a tough call. I really want to say both, but if it comes down to just one, I’d go with Ferris Wheel.

5. Men: Have you ever tracked a friend’s or partner’s periods for the purpose of treating them different during that time? Women: How would you feel if a partner did this?

I know my partner’s cycle just…because I am observant. I don’t track on purpose. 


Would you rather eat a white crayon or go down on Betty White?

Pass up the opportunity to go down on one of the funniest, coolest people of our time? Or eat a crayon? Ummmm, no to the crayon, yes to Betty White!


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!
