TMI Tuesday: Fill in the Blanks

TMI Tuesday: September 17, 2013

Hello folks! This week use those sexy (and often dirty) minds to fill in the blanks for TMI Tuesday fun.

Fill in the blanks.

1. My passion project is Sex in Words and Sex City! I spend a lot of time on both, having fun and working to present awesome sex information and thought.

2. In the morning I hate to stop. I can work a lot in the morning, but going to actual work gets in the way of that.

3. If my ability to sleep were bigger, I would like it. (that doesn’t make sense, I know. I don’t sleep well and it sucks)

4. Please don’t talk shit close to me. (I have no ability to not tell you you’re talking shit and I’ve been punched enough in this lifetime, thank you)

5. I have had strange things happen to me but December 2005–December 2008 is the worst.

6. Oh baby that feels good. Will you lick my balls and ass ?

What is one thing that you do to make yourself (and only yourself) happy? This is something that you do that makes you feel uplifted and blissful when you get done and something you can repeat often.

Accomplish something on my own by reaching a goal. Best thrill, beside sex, ever.
