Ember Swift’s Celebration of Pregnancy Libido and Trying to Dispel Male Fears

This is a fantastic blog post by Canadian musician and soon-to-be mother of 2 young children Ember Swift. She has a great writing style and her exhortation to women to celebrate their pregnant bodies as beautiful and sexual is wonderful.

She also asks a question that I think is quite common: Do men back away from their partners during the latter stages of pregnancy? Do they get freaked out and fear hurting the baby during sex?

I’ve heard numerous men say this. I’ve heard numerous men say they won’t have sex with their partner during her pregnancy. Despite being told otherwise, they still have this fear/misconception. And this can certainly affect a couple’s relationship. It is one thing to be too tired, to be hurting, to just be uninterested. It is entirely different to actually fear or reject your partner because she is pregnant.
