TONIGHT! Foreplay at Oasis! International Fetish Film Fest Opening Party!

August 29, 2013

IFFFT & Oasis Aqua Lounge present: FOREPLAY!
Indulge in the light effleurage of Foreplay, cause everything after this elegant night is a total-
Mind Fuck!
Date & Time: Thursday, August 29, 2013 ·10:00 PM – 3:00 AM
Location: Oasis Aqualounge231 Mutual Street 
Cost: Ladies $20, Couples $40 advance or $60 at the door- Single Men Not Permitted~ Sorry
Dress code: Dress to Suggest 😉

Day 1 of the International Fetish Film Festival: TORONTO is a tantalizing tease- a foreplay, if you will, which is designed to gently stroke your intrigue, and arouse your curiosity in kink; while building up, deeply penetrating, and ever growing larger your understanding in fetish art, and to probe an attraction towards the tremendous media climax, a great sexual explosion, on screen!
Our parties work the same way…
Foreplay offers an introduction to those who have become 50 shades of curious, and want to explore their new found freedom in a safe, undiscriminating, yet prestigious Club environment, which caters to the couple and single female crowd, as opposed to the hardcore lifestyle events that newbies often find intimidating.

This more seductive side of BDSM is how many of us got started. It is the opening of the door, we all (at one time) experienced, and the beginning of a life long journey.

Those new to BDSM:
Never be afraid to taste that first kiss of sadistic pleasure. Allow yourself the freedom to experience these hidden desires, and let yourself go- on to another, Higher Power.
Submit to your inner most fantasies, and Njoy…

Experienced BDSM vets:
There is nothing more alluring to many of U/us then a soul uncorrupted…
This evening, is O/our chance to share the wealth of O/our knowledge, the gift of O/our experience, and the guidance of O/our kink.
Assist a newcumer, or just indulge in Y/your own personal scene. Whatever Y/your method or motivation- welcome to Foreplay, remember that feeling of your first intrigue, and Njoy…
