Medical Therapies for Female Libido Loss?

Having recently had a slight struggle with my own sex drive, I am only beginning to fathom the desire to get that feeling back into your life when it disappears. At the same time, I am a complete ‘fraidy cat when it comes to medication. I only take what a doctor gives me, I follow it to the letter of the law and just avoid any other kind of medication. But again, take my sex drive away and I might be more inclined to seek out any kind of wonder drug or “magic bullet”—even if there are consequences.

There is no version of Viagra for women. Dr. Trina Read outlines attempts, some not without merit, particularly testosterone therapy.  

The prospect of a female libido-enhancer is very appealing—but who for more? Ideally, it would be for women who need some aid, in combination with other help in terms of self-esteem, communication and connection. Really, whatever else is contributing to any physical reasons for their loss of sex drive.

But am I being too pessimistic that if a “female Viagra” were introduced that men would be clamouring for their ladies to get on the patch or pill or injection or whatever? Is there potential for coercion and abuse? Is there potential for recreational abuse suggested by husbands and boyfriends?

There is no doubt that having a healthy and habit sex life can benefit people greatly. But at what medical cost, boy Viagra or girl Viagra, do we want to pursue this?
