TMI Tuesday: Would You Rather 2

This week’s TMI Tuesday questions are about important choices we have to make in life, and writing your own TMI questions. Join me in playing . . .

1. Would you rather be smart or awesome? Why?

Smart, I’m already awesome (hahahahahahaha)
oh, wait:
Awesome, I’m already smart (hahahahahahaha)
ummm, yeah…
2. Would you rather french kiss a cat or pleasure a frog?

I have had cats…they will suddenly lick in your open mouth if they want to. Consent is not required for them. So…I’ve already done this one.

3. Would you rather live the rest of your life with Darth Vader’s voice or Alvin the Chipmunk’s voice?

Is this a joke? How could I NOT want to sound like Darth Vader?!?!?!

4. Would you rather sail the Caribbean on a week long FREE cruise with the ship’s crew and 20 five-year-old children or shovel coal in a coal mine for a month?

Pffft…I’ve been a camp counsellor…and I can be a scary man…the kids would entertain themselves.

5. Would you rather make an obscene phone call to your mother once a week or get a text message from your father every time he’s horny? Why?

Texts are for more easily ignored.

6. Would you rather have dinner with all your exes at once or with five guys on death row having their last meal?

Funny, given a post from earlier today. I could handle the foolishlessness of exes over the hopelessness of the condemned.

Bonus: Write one unique question for possible use in a future TMI Tuesday, and submit it as your bonus answer for this week.

Would you rather have a life where you only had sex once a year for 2 minutes or where you have to have sex, every day for a minimum of 2 hours?
