TMI Tuesday: June 25—The Usual Inquisitor Answers!

Have you ever investigated having an open relationship?
I have tried it, I can’t say it was successful. There were issues with everyone, and I completely own up to my own problems in the triad. I don’t think I’d be keen to try again, but I did learn so much in that experience.

Do you have any sexual phobias?
Not at all. There are activities I have no interest in trying, but I’m not afraid of them.

What is the best new sexual activity you have tried in 2013?
I think the newest thing has been taking on the role of teacher. I am more experienced than my partner, so I can bring new activities to the table. And the bed. The couch. The dog park. The creek…

Have you ever called into a sex advice radio/television show or written to a sex advice columnist?
No, but I used to watch Sue Johanson as often as I could.

Would you use the services of a sex therapist? Why or why not?
Sure I would. I love to learn and better myself.

Should sex therapists be allowed to engage in actual sexual activities with clients? Why or why not?
I do think there should be specific sex therapists who are trained and licensed for specific physical sexual activity with clients.

Bonus: Have you read any adult sex ed books lately? What do you recommend?
