This is a fun and interesting perspective on the issue straight dudes have with being hit on by gay dudes, in light of Jason Collins’ coming out this week.
As someone who hasn’t been hit on a hell of a lot, I’ve always been happy, regardless from whom the attention comes. Of course, I’m bi, so I can’t really comment. But this bit from Shermen Alexie says it all:
How do I react to these sexual advances? My first thought is “Men are boundaryless animals.” My second thought is “Women have to deal with this shit all the time.” My third thought is “How flattering.” My fourth thought is “I wish this dude hitting on me was cuter.”
I am very hopeful that Jason’s courageous move really makes a difference. Hopefully other athletes will come out—with my first hope being that it will improve their own lives. A secondary thought is that it will improve the lives of other gay folk. And finally, I hope it helps open more eyes and lessens fears.