I’m going to tackle Cosmo’s 7 Sex Moves You Think He Wants —But He Really Doesn’t one-by-one.
- Join him in his prework morning shower. I’ll actually agree with this one. Shower sex is much more fun in theory than it is in practice. Enjoy the touching and save the fun for once you’re towelled off.
- Strongly hint that you’re in the mood, then play hard to get and make him work at seducing you. This would be annoying for anyone!
- Make love in front of a mirror so you can see every erotic angle of each other’s bodies. This one is crap! There is no such thing as an unsexy angle!
- Wear a top with a million little buttons and slooowly undo them while he watches. I’d watch that!
- Buy a super-pricey, super-vampy little lingerie number for his eyes only. Take a look at how much lingerie is sold. And the styles. Do you think women buy these things and men don’t care? Hahahahaha, that’s ridiculous. Dudes love lingerie and women wearing it.
- Stick a silk scarf in his bag with a note that reads, “You’re going to need this later tonight”. I seriously think this writer has no imagination. A silk scarf has no place in sex? Seriously, is the writer a virgin?
- Read each other torrid passages from erotic books. Sure, guys like porn, but put a couple in the bed with a hot erotica collection and their story will write itself.