And, read below for a message from Arielle Loren, editor-in-chief, on why you should subscribe to Corset!
“I am fed. At night, alone, I marry the bed.”
— Anne Sexton
I hope these first two months of the year have served you well. The Corset team has been hard at work to release our fifth issue, dedicated to Masturbation, and first of 2013. It’s finally out, and I assure you, it’s proved worth the wait.
Men, women, young, and elderly have all contributed to this issue.
And frankly, their stories are amazing.
Subscribe to Corset for 2013 and this issue will be automatically sent to your inbox + more.
I’m giving out a free bonus issue for anyone who subscribes, the Masturbation issue, and five other issues we’ll be releasing this year.
This is only the beginning of our erotic revolution.
Subscribe, read, forward this email, and be inspired.
Thank you for your support and cheers to self-pleasure 😉
Arielle Loren
Editor-in-Chief, Corset Magazine
“the go-to magazine for all things sexuality”