I’m not saying the vitriol is without cause. Personally, I’m ambivalent to it. I celebrate it with the kids and some of my exes have been more into it, so I get into it.
Yes, it is consumerism run rampant. Yes, it has a dubious past. Yes, some people, who aren’t currently partnered, are excluded. Yes, we are inundated with commercials, propaganda and red nonsense. Yes, the messaging is almost exclusively heterosexist.
But I just can’t get into a snit when it is a day that is just supposed to be about fun and love. There are plenty of other sinister things in the world. There are plenty of other forms of consumerism and heterosexism that people accept. I do try to challenge these things on a daily basis instead.
So, I remain ambivalent. But I will take in some extra sexy fun with some cinnamon hearts.