Observations on The Playtex Fresh + Sexy Report: A Definitive Look at What’s Happening Between the Sheets in Canada

  • 35% of partnered Canadians are having sex a few times per month. Close behind are partnered Canadians who are having sex a few times per week. What could be done to make those former folks bump up to the latter group?
  • People are getting way luckier with gettin’ some that those who are married. What defines dating? Casual dates with numerous people? Or a long-term relationship wherein you are not cohabitating?
  • Almost 1/3 of Canadians want some every damn day. There should be our role models, folks.
  • Men and women are fairly agreed on fucking a few times per week. More men want it every day. Score one for stereotypes.
  • 13% of Canadians say they don’t masturbate. I’d love to know why…or I will continue to believe they are liars.
  • Another one for stereotypes: men are jerkin’ it more often than women.
  • Canadians have, on average, 12 sex partners in a lifetime. Too damn cold to go find more.
  • Half of Canadians have had a threesome or are open to it. Huh. Good way to keep warm.
  • The majority of Canadians are satisfied with their sex lives, with Ontarians leading the way. Those in Quebec are not feelin’ it.
  • Many different reasons are cited as possible ways to improve our sex lives including better physique, more spontaneity, more romance and more. I give full marks to the people who responded FINDING A PARTNER because yes, indeed, that would likely improve your sex life. 
  • Biggest turn-offs? Smelly things like body odour and bad breath. Dirty talk snuck in there too. Were they talking about actual dirt?
  • Love conquers all in being uninhibited, but so does gettin’ boozed up.
  • Just before bed remains the favoured time to get busy. Which is just logical, if somewhat uninspired.
  • And the weekend is our favourite time to get some. Funny, I find myself busier and more exhausted on weekends. I’m lucky if I make it to 10pm on Fridays now. 
  • The three biggest things to make people wanna fuck: being on vacation, watching a dirty movie and a birthday. So, next January 22, I’m going away to watch porn.
  • What does it say about us that we love the idea of sneaking away for quickies? Don’t think it specifies with our own partner or not…
  • But apparently we’re too chicken shit to do it…
  • …though if we knew we wouldn’t get caught, we’d do it.
  • We’re a bloody conceited bunch! We thinking, overwhelmingly that we’re the best lovers in the world.
  • We may be afraid of sneaky quickies, but 55% of us think we know how to fuck in a canoe.
  • Only 8% actually have (new year goal!)
  • We’re obsessed with being clean. 54% shower before having sex. I prefer after, cuz I won’t be gettin’ any head without a shower!
  • 50% do shower after. I don’t want to drown, so I just go to sleep.