The Ongoing Big Dick Debate

Everybody is always talking about big dicks!
Okay, well, at least this time, Claudia Maittlen-Harris of The Frisky has got the real goods on the age-old debate of whether bigger is better. 

Girl Talk: Why We Should Be Talking About Penis Size

She is spot-on by pointing out that it is dude’s who are generally obsessed with the size of our cocks. I’ll admit to being at least a bit curious about whether I measure up to others. But I have been fortunate enough to be friends with many women over the years, beyond my sexual partners, who have all spoken frankly that the size of a man’s penis is not paramount to their sexual pleasure. 
Maittlen-Harris invokes the inevitable size queen who wants a bowling pin up her cunt (hey, if that’s what she likes), and that there can be extremes, both big and small. I think those two factors balance out the general equation of cock + cunt × technique= a good fuck. Up the number of the exponent and you increase the possibility of attaining greatness. 
There is one thing I’ll disagree with in the article though. Sure, women should talk about cock, their preference and what they do and do not want. However, as much as it will help the discussion, women can’t be held at all responsible for guys just getting past this. It is up to guys out there who are worried and obsessed with cock size to just grow up. As boys we’re taught to compete, be the best/fastest/strongest/biggest. But our dicks are pretty much predetermined and you just have to live with what you’ve got. Be it 2″, 4″, 6″, 8″ or anywhere else in there or beyond, your penis is your penis. Love it. Embrace it. And hopefully enjoy others embracing it. 