When I first started reading Dr. Teesha Morgan’s article about a service for ending relationships (kinda like a dump-o-gram?), I was mildly amused. Truth time: I broke off a long-term relationship via Instant Messenger. Now, most of our relationship was via chat because of circumstances, but still, it was a cheap way to end things. I should have done better.
However, getting dumped over the phone is not as distasteful as sending an anonymous e-card to inform a past sexual partner that you have tested positive for an STI and that person should get tested. That just seems a mark of cowardice.
I don’t think I’m being prudish or romantic here, but I do think it is bad manners and uncivil.
If you can have sex with someone, you can talk with them. If you can’t then you need to get out of the fucking pool.