Erectile Dysfunction: Too Much Control

Now this is a very interesting take on Erectile Dysfunction that I hadn’t heard before. And I’m really trying to wrap my head around it. Surely we all know that doubt, confusion and self-questioning are strong factors throughout out lives. But in the article, Dr. Danielle Harel, Ph.D. and Celeste Hirschman  are suggesting that men are holding back from their desires, for a variety of reasons, including fear of rejection and societal teachings that women don’t want sex as much as they do. This causes stress and then a resulting inability to get it up.
I really am finding this fascinating. Guys cock-blocking themselves through negative thoughts.
Partly why I find it so interesting is that I think it is very true. Not just for men, but everyone. Far too often we don’t even approach sexual partners with our desires and far too often the communication is not there to express those desires. Sure, you may have some dark and dirty dreams you want to live out—and it is true, maybe you won’t get to. But you’ll never find out unless you talk and try.
