Call for Submissions: The Bears of Winter

The Bears of Winter
Editor: Jerry L. Wheeler
Publisher: Bear Bones Books imprint of Lethe Press
Deadline: September 1, 2013
Payment: Three cents a word. The Bears of Winter will be available in ebook and print form. Lethe Press takes world rights (same as First North American Serial rights, only it’s expanded to boundaries other than North America)

Bears don’t just hibernate in winter anymore. You’ll still find them in caves, but now they’re surrounded by big screen plasma TVs, iPads, and the latest in technology. Even so, they venture out in the cold and ice for food, fun, and romance.

I’m looking for stories about bears finding other bears for romance. Erotic content may be a part of the story (as it is with romance), but should not be the main focus. As always, character, set-up and a great sense of place are all important. The only other stipulation is that cold, snow, or ice must be a fundamental part of the story.

Be as creative as you like with the concept—bears on snowy peaks, bears and refrigerators (a great combo), trucker bears in reefers, western bears on the frozen plains, bears delivering ice during Prohibition—don’t feel limited by time and space, either. Spec fic, mythology, fantasy, historical, horror or paranormal are all fair game as long as it’s chilly. And romantic.

The particulars? Okay, make it between 2,500 to 7,500 words in a nice 12 point Times Roman font. Numbered pages, double spaced, indented paragraphs with one space after a sentence-ending period, please—otherwise, your story will be returned for re-punctuation. Please include bio and contact information with the submission. No reprints, please. The deadline is September 1, 2013 with a November 2013 publication date from the Bear Bones Books imprint of Lethe Press. Payment will be three cents a word, and you can send all submissions to Jerry L. Wheeler at

So put on your thinking caps (the ones with the earflaps), learn how to type while wearing mittens and watch out for frostbite.
