New feature on Sex in Words—Coming Soon: Sex & Erotica Bloggers!

I’m going back to my roots, folks.
Back when I worked on the site-that-will-not-be-named, I had a lot of success with interviewing people. From my years on Sex City and that work, I think I, humbly, think I am pretty decent at it.

So, I’m going to start featuring the people I love to read these days: sex & erotica bloggers.

After moderating the panel on sex bloggers at Playground in November, and becoming friends with those on the panel, I really started to expand the roster of who I read. And I have found some fantastic bloggers out there who focus on, explore and present in unique ways all aspects of sex and sexuality.

And I am happy to reveal that my first interview will be with La Dame en Rose, whose writing and visuals I only recently discovered, but they are both inspiring and hot!

Look for these interviews coming soon!
