News about Toronto Erotica Writers and Readers group!

Thanks to all those who came to the Toronto Writers and Readers Group last night. There were a number of new faces and we had a good night of writing and reader. After a bit of a connection delay, we managed to get a hold of Desiree Holt over skype and she was awesome. She had her first erotica story published at 70 years old!

I fully anticipated that last night’s event would be the group’s last. Attendance has been decreasing and I figured the event had run its course.

However, last night was a renewal for the group—and me personally. Desiree was very inspiring. Francis Foster provided another great comic presentation. Newcomers read some awesome work, including a hilarious reading of sex manual.

When we got to the writing exercise, the night really took off. So many fantastic voices and words. And personally, I wrote a few paragraphs for the first time in months. It felt good.

SO! Moving forward!

The event will continue. The next date will be Wednesday January 23 at Tequila Bookworm (they just reno’d their upstairs space and it is nice!).

We’re going to be focussing more on writing and reading. More time will be given for writing, in particular. We’ll still have guests and topics on occasion.

We also want to share calls for submissions that are out there!

To keep everyone in the loop, we’re creating a good, old-fashioned email list to circulate calls for submissions and to ensure people know about the dates of the events.

If you’d like to be on that list, send a private message or email to me.

Thanks for helping me get my smutty mojo back!
