busy times!

Sex in Words is going to be a mix of sex journalism and blog. I am lining up people to interview and write articles on, but I’m also likely to post random entries about what I’m working on, events/workshops/projects I’m working on and other things.

Like this! Every month I write a round-up of interesting sex news for Met Another Frog, a great blog exploring many ideas about sex and sexuality. My latest entry is up right now! Check it out!

It is a particularly hectic time right now, with October and November jammed packed with events and projects. Trying to get my brain around all of them. Also trying to get may brain around using blogger as best I can.
Tonight is the first Erotica Writers and Readers Meetup here in Toronto. Check it out, in person or online!
Then I really need to get started on my next Choose Your Own Sex Adventure book. It is mostly mapped out, I just need to get to writing it. When it is completed, this and the two previous CYOSA books will be available here for sale.
