What Does an Orgasm Feel Like?

I have a great appreciation for work that helps people with common concerns and worries. And surely, for many women (and possibly some men?) wondering what an orgasm feels like must be troublesome.
Why this is more concerning to women is that men can certainly see the end result of an orgasm, but trust me, jusy because a guy has unleashed the money shot, doesn’t mean he’s really gotten off.
Women, on the other hand, don’t even have that cue. Add to this the general repression of sexual pleasure in women coupled with a historical lack of literature on female pleasure and it certainly makes sense that it might be tough to know.
So, that got me thinking: how would I describe an orgasm? Would I focus on body sensations, mental stimulations, emotional response or something else entirely? Where do you feel your cum most? Are there varying degrees to getting off? Are they like snowflakes–each one unique? Are they different with different people…including when you’re masturbating?
All of these questions might just prove that a definitive description for an orgasm might be as elusive as a word that rhymes with orange.
