Sex News! I love it!

I love sharing sex news, articles, research, opinions and views that I come across. This was one of my favourite weekly tasks on a different site. I also get the opportunity to go more indepth monthly on Met Another Frog. Now I’m going to bring it here, Sunday mornings. What better way than to enjoy a morning coffee than with reading about sex!

It’s not just a male problem! Women suffer from premature orgasms as well, say scientists

Doctors urge HIV testing starting at 16

Sexy Halloween Costumes for Girls Don’t Cause Rape

Bandmate: Simmons a ‘sex addict’

Catholic church’s marriage expert: Gay people come from the devil

Lost Boys: New child-sex-trafficking research demolishes the stereotype of the underage sex worker

Sex at 36, or Boys, Men and Me

Sexuality and Palliative Care

Boy Scouts covered up years of Canadian’s sexual abuse of boys

How Many People Have You Had Sex With? Why Your “Number” Is Irrelevant, Whether It’s 1, 10, 100, or 1,000

Same-sex penguin pair fascinates zookeepers
